9 Reasons Why Perfume Is Important

Perfume schermfume.  You might be wondering… What’s the big deal about this whole perfume thing anyway? If I wanna smell good, couldn’t I just put on some deodorant and take a shower? Do I really need to shell out my hard earned smackers so that I can smell like some flowers and woodchips?  Of course,…

Perfume or Deodorant? What’s the Difference?

It’s an alarmingly common question: if you douse yourself in perfume, do you really need to wear deodorant or antiperspirant?  First and foremost, I just have to say that if you do this you need to do some serious self-reflection (and read this article)  There is a major difference between perfumes and deodorants. Deodorant uses…

What to Do if You Get Perfume in Your Eye

So, you sprayed your perfume or deodorant in your eyes. They’re stinging and burning, and you can’t see a thing.  What should you do?  First thing’s first, calm down. You’re not going to lose your vision or cause any serious damage unless it was a huge amount.  If you get perfume in your eyes, there…

Where Does Perfume Come From?

Perfume is as old as civilization. From the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians up to today, human beings have always loved to make themselves smell good.  But have you ever wondered what it is exactly? Where does it come from, and how is it made?  What is considered “perfume” and how they are made can vary…

How Many Perfume Sprays Is Enough?

We’ve all known a “cologne guy” or “perfume girl”.  I’ve even been one. When I was first starting out on my fragrance journey, I didn’t seem to understand the concept of restraint. I sprayed with wild abandon, as if I wanted everyone within a forty block radius to know I was the smelliest guy in…

Are Body Sprays and Body Mists Perfumes?

Body sprays and mists are some of the most common beauty products on the market. They’re a good alternative for those who might not have the money to afford an expensive designer perfume but still want to smell good. But is your Bath & Body Works body mist or AXE body spray a perfume?  There…