How To Spot Fake Creed Perfumes

French brand Creed has established itself as one of the most popular and prestigious niche fragrance brands on the market, with landmark releases like Aventus and Green Irish Tweed practically defining trends in fragrance as a whole.  But with great success comes inevitable imitation. Creed is without a doubt the most “cloned” fragrance brand on…

How To Spot a Fake YSL Perfume

French designer brand Yves Saint Laurent, also known as YSL, is one of the most established and iconic houses on the market, both in fragrance and fashion.  Of course, success doesn’t come without challenges, especially in the age of the Internet. An abundance of scammers have seen fit to capitalize on the YSL name and…

Montale Vetiver Patchouli Review

French niche fragrance brand Montale has made quite a splash in the fragrance world due to their rich, powerful, Middle Eastern inspired compositions featuring oud, rose, and spice.  Fragrances like Intense Café, Black Aoud, Chocolate Greedy, and Full Incense have been frag-com (fragrance community, for the uninitiated) darlings for years. Vetiver Patchouli, released in 2019,…

Montale Intense Café Review

Since its founding in 2003, French niche fragrance brand Montale has established itself as one of the most popular and successful niche producers in the industry. Fragrances like Roses Musk, Red Aoud, Chocolate Greedy, and Full Incense have been hailed as modern-day classics for years. Intense Café, released in 2013, is perhaps the most popular…

Montale Oud Dream Review

For years, French niche fragrance brand Montale has built up quite the reputation in the fragrance world, becoming famous (or notorious) for their numerous rhapsodies upon the theme of oud, rose, amber, and spice. Fragrances like Intense Café, Honey Aoud, Chocolate Greedy, and Roses Musk have come to be regarded as staples of modern niche,…

What’s the Difference Between Perfume and Fragrance?

If you’ve read any articles from this site, you’ve probably seen that I use the words “perfume” and “fragrance” pretty interchangeably.  And it’s true that these two words are about as similar as they can be. But is there any difference between the words “perfume” and “fragrance” to speak of?  The difference between the words…

What’s The Difference Between Eau de Toilette and Perfume?

If you’ve had any experience in the world of perfumes, you’ve probably encountered the words “perfume” and “eau de toilette” on more than one occasion, both referring to what seems to be the same thing.  But is there a difference between the two? And if so, what is it?  The difference between “eau de toilette”…

Bon Parfumeur 003 Yuzu, Feuilles de Violette, Vétiver Review

French niche brand Bon Parfumeur is new to the fragrance world, having been founded in 2017, but has already made something of a reputation for itself as a purveyor of quality fragrances at affordable prices.  If you’re curious about the difference between a “niche” and “designer” perfume, by the way, feel free to take a…

Hermès Rocabar Review

French designer brand Hermès has been a powerhouse of the fragrance world for decades, putting out major milestones like Equipage, Bel Ami, Calèche, Terre d’Hermès, and Un Jardin Sur Le Nil. Known for their elegance, class, and discretion, a Hermès fragrance is never loud or obnoxious in any way, but rather cool and understated. Rocabar,…

Antonio Puig Quorum Silver Review

Spanish designer brand Antonio Puig has been a powerhouse in the world of designer perfumery for decades. Fragrances like Agua Brava (1968), Quorum (1981), and Sybaris (1988) are now regarded as masculine classics in the fragrance community. Although Puig doesn’t put many fragrances out these days under its own letterhead, they own a number of…